The fruit of our labour
Labour Day is here and that means Summer is officially coming to an end. To mark the occasion, we are having a promotion on all remaining stock of our Brazil COMBO. Originally priced at $40; you can now purchase the Brazil COMBO for an additional 20% off… AND we are also including free shipping or local delivery. The Brazil COMBO includes one (1) 340 g can of Bourbon Barrel Brazil coffee AND one (1) 454 g bag of Brazil single origin coffee. Yes, $32 will get you both! It’s an excellent value and a great way to end the summer.
About the COMBO
Both of the coffees in the COMBO use the same beans from Brazil. One has been aged in an oak barrel. We think you will enjoy the combo; it provides the perfect opportunity for a side-by-side comparison to discover the nuances of each!
BBCR has established a relationship with Orange Brown, a green coffee importer that is Brazilian owned and operated. They facilitate direct trade with a tight knit community of specialty coffee farmers. Which means the coffee that is both traceable and transparent. We know where the coffee is coming from and how it has been produced, as well as the local environment and communities. A true farm to cup green bean supplier!
Discover the experience of barrel aged coffee!
Our barrel aged coffees have proven to be a distinct and unique coffee experience. Each aged coffee is different, and that's part of what makes them so interesting.What to expect: The aroma. On the nose, these beans have captured the sweet bourbon scent. The mouthfeel. In the cup, the beans have certainly picked up wood or smoky notes from the barrel and have a smoothness from the bourbon. The best way to prepare this coffee is by using an immersion brewing method (French Press or Aeropress) or filter brewing (pour over, drip). Barrel aged beans are not suitable for use in most espresso machines.
A BBCR Update
Today marks the first day of September 2023. How quickly the summer passes by! Pretty soon we will be knee deep in pumpkin spice season ;)
The summer of 2023 for BBCR has been one for the books. So many things have happened over such a relatively short period of time. Most notably, we moved! (If you haven’t heard!)Yes, on July 29, 2023, we said goodbye to 1910 rue Pink (Tchau 1910!) After five years, we had outgrown our space. The limitations created by the space we occupied was impacting the direction of the business we wanted to build. We felt very fortunate to find a facility that would meet all our growing needs not far from our old digs… only 600m away.
Hello 595 rue de Vernon
2000 square feet of bright and clean space that would house a new bigger roaster and all the requirements that went along with it. And another adjoining 2000 square feet that would be a dedicated space for a BBCR Café; complete with a coffee bar, kitchen, and seating area.
Weathering the storm(s)
We have encountered a few set backs or hiccups with our move and expansion. Our move comprised of two components: the roastery and the café. Unfortunately, access to our café space has been delayed. What was initially going to be available mid July, quickly became mid-August… which was then extended till the end of August. We are hopeful to get the keys any day now!
And so, we roll with the punches… We have been able to operate out of the BBCR Barista Mobile for the past month. We find ourselves with great neighbours at 595 Vernon and we set up the Barista Mobile in the parking lot beside the big white tent belonging to Authentique Cross Fit. We even have some lawn chairs set up for when it is sunny! And the weather offered a few additional challenges to the Barista Mobile set up. (Who anticipated hail in Ottawa-Gatineau in July or August?!)
And construction. Well, it wouldn’t be summer without it. Vernon road was completely dug up this summer (new sewers and water pipes and the works) and we’ve had a few detours thrown in the mix. (Our favourite was the Google map suggestion of parking your car in a nearby residential subdivision and walking across the field to access our new location!) The reality of a 600 m drive around the corner from our old location became a 5 km tour that started at the other end of Vernon. But we are in the home stretch (one last week of detour is planned for next week) and we hope to have the road crew pave the way to 595 Vernon.
What’s new: Suzy Q.
Coffee and doughnuts are a classic combination… Suzy Q puts a spin on the traditional doughnut to offer something much more gourmet and, well, fancy. (We think they are a good fit for our award winning coffee!) The space and real estate inside the truck are at a premium; but we are finding ways to make it work temporarily and offer a tasty treat with your favourite beverage.
We would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to the coffee community… for their continued support and encouragement. It is because of you that we get to offer you the fruit of our labour. We can’t wait for what is to come next!
And so we hope you enjoy the last long weekend of summer! Hopefully you are able to take advantage of our special offer just in time for Labour Day. Please note we will be closed on the holiday Monday but back at to the grind Tuesday morning at 7am!
Stay curious!
The BBCR Team