Working together, for a better future.
Brown Bag Coffee is committed to coffee excellence. Many times this means our beans are sourced with either Fair Trade Organic or Rain Forest Alliance certifications. We also only purchase specialty grade coffees that cup in the 80's or higher according to SCA standards. However, there are times where we take a stand and help support a cause that is close to us. Such is the case with our Colombian coffee. We are proud to support the Las Rosas Women's Group Project in La Plata, Huila, Colombia.
Why this Project is so Important?
Overwhelmed by a lack of credit available in 2010, an initial group of 50 women came together to change the way they were being treated as it was weakening their families and future potential to lead a better and more productive life.
What is the Project?
The mission of the project is centered on family prosperity and generational renewal. The project focuses on food security, economic stability, entrepreneurship and passing on coffee traditions to younger generations.
Coffee production is used as the vehicle to drive important change and development. By prioritizing gender equality and inclusive decision-making in households and on farms, the group is able to receive credit and ownership. This empowers other women to join to the group and allows for many of the existing women in the group to take on leadership positions as cooperative members regardless of their status on the farm.
How does it benefit those farmers?